As many North Floridians will agree, 2020 has been an incredibly stressful year.  Between the pandemic, political tensions and unrest in the streets, it comes as no surprise that more people are feeling the effects of a year that few could have ever predicted.  As a result, many have put on extra weight, taken up smoking again, increased their alcohol and chemical consumption, lost countless nights of sleep, and so much more.  If you’re in the Jacksonville area and looking for a safe, non-invasive way to feel like you again, clinical hypnosis just might be the answer.

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JAX Hypnosis is proud to now offer our clinical hypnosis sessions to residents in Jacksonville and northeast Florida, and we invite you to learn how we’ve helped others cope with the stress and secondary effects of this unprecedented year.  Here are just a few of the programs we offer to help you look, live and feel your best.

  • Hypnosis for those looking to quit smoking or end nicotine addiction
  • Effective hypnosis programs for weight loss and stress-related eating issues
  • Overcome anxiety and worry by addressing the root of your concerns
  • Hypnosis to help with a wide range of fears, phobias and compulsions
  • A talented, experienced team of highly trained clinical Hypnosis clinicians
  • Sessions available both online or at our Jacksonville, FL hypnosis clinic

We understand how trying this year has been for so many in the Jacksonville region.  Whether you’re most concerned with reducing stress and anxiety, losing weight, or breaking potentially dangerous habits, our team is here and ready to help.  Get in touch with JAX Hypnosis for answers to your questions or to learn more about what sets our hypnosis programs apart.

JAX Hypnosis is located at 11555 Central Parkway, Suite 701 in Jacksonville, and can be reached by phone at 800-550-1424 during regular hours.  You can also email us 24/7 through our website’s secure and confidential contact page.